Life Cycle of a Honey Bee, explaining the cycle of the egg the queen bee lays to how they get looked after by the bees and fed. The time it takes to hatch.

Life Cycle of a Honey Bee and its duties.
The cycle of a honey bee and its duties, it’s the most adorable life cycle of a bee I have come across.
Once they hatch they have their duties to carry out and tells you the time it takes for them to eventually fly out and seek food. Bees don’t live forever, and queen will only lay eggs if there is food for them in the field. The Drones are the male bees.

Writing is unclear therefore this is the cycle.
Day 1-queen lays an egg
Day 4-egg hatches larva appears and bees feed larvae then pupa stage begins
Day 10-bees cap the cell with wax and the larva spins a cocoon it grows
Day 22-adult bee chews through the wax cap and joins the colony
Bee Duties
Day 22-24. the first duty is to clean the cells for more eggs to be laid.
Day 24-32 nurses feeding and tending to the brood
Days 32-40 builders produce wax in their abdominal glands allowing them to build honeycomb and seal and cap cells.
Day 40-43 guards protect the hive from potential invaders
Day 43- onward, foragers go out and search for food such as pollen and nectar for the honey production to start.

They all have their jobs to do. All Bees are such hard workers and will start the day before the sun rises and end it after the sun sets.
Rain does not stop them from working as well. Some one has to feed those new bees arriving.
So is the important life of a busy little honey bee.
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