Bottling Honey, here we describe and give information to what we found to be an easy and good way to bottle honey into a glass honey jar.

Bottling Honey.
First stage of the honey pouring out of the bucket from a tap into a clean glass jar. 500 g worth.

Second stage of honey filling the jar.

Lastly filling the honey jar with pure organic yummy tasting honey.

The honey was sieved from the honey swinger, (after swung out of the cones on the supers collected)
Then placed in a 20 liter clean bucket. Usually left overnight for wax particles that escaped the sieve to rise to the top of the honey, before bottling.
A tap was fitted for the convenience of pouring into the glass honey bottles.
So amazing to see this golden honey pouring into the bottles. When they are filled to the top a lid is fitted.
These glass jars are 500 g of pure, organic wonderful honey.

Full sealed glass jars. With pure organic delicious honey.

Then the bottles are labeled ready for the clients. The Beekeeper’s organic Honey.

Only the best pure organic honey bottled and delivered to satisfied clients. ( no dilution with water or irradiated)
The Label in South Africa has changed for “The Beekeeper”.

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