Close up of Dead Drone Honey Bee, with a video slide of the photos. Amazing large eyes and furry short dark stubby body, with large wings.

Having a beehive at home helps when you want to follow the honey bees coming and goings. Especially when you have site of the Drone bee as well.
Close up of Dead Drone Honey Bee
The body of the dead drone bee, note the fluffy hairy upper body, almost like wool.

The upper body of the drone bee with lots fluffy hairs and larger wings and stubby body.

Note those extra large eyes with amazing vision, and his feelers.

Underneath the drone bees body. A view of the large eyes and legs straightened out as he
was found on the ground dead.

In the home hive we observed the drone flying out and back into the hive.

A great close up of the dead drone bee. Note his dark fat abdomen and hairy body.
Large wings to fly fast and lift his heavier body. His duty in the hive is to cool the hive with those wings.

Below is a slide video show of the various close up photos and positions of the Drone Bee body.
Close up of Dead Drone Bee
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