Ecuador’s Social Bumblebee at Work. A video slide of photos of this carder buff tailed ginger Bumblebee picking up manure in its pollen baskets.

Ecuador’s Social Bumblebee at Work.
On a walk this ginger buff tailed Bumblebee was seen being inquisitive to a blue butterfly, investigating this bit of manure on the ground.

It did inspect the manure and then went down to obtain some manure.

Picked up manure in its pollen basket and then took off up the valley.

The pollen baskets on his hind legs were so full of manure. Looking up this type of bumblebee was a problem. It can be a carder buff tailed bumblebee. Female as she has the pointy abdomen.

Below are the photos taken made in a video slide, of her obtaining manure from the ground, and how it gets stuck on the barbs of the pollen basket on her hind legs. This was found in the Chirusco valley in Southern Ecuador. Near Vilcabamba.
Save all types and species of bee, bumblebees and carpenter bees.
Another post to read about these amazing buff tailed bumblebees below.
Bumblebees forage on Monk Orchid flowers
Purchase or make some of these bee hotels.
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