Pollen Faced Honey Bee on cosmos flowers. Collecting pollen madly, photos of pollen all over the body hairs, including the honey bee Face.
Pollen Faced Honey Bee on Cosmos.
Sun is out after some needed rain and the bees are busy, collecting pollen and nectar.

This honey bee is literally full of pollen, some on its face and body hairs and pollen baskets on legs.

Worker honey bee dug into the cosmos flowers and got coated with the pollen, notice those big eyes.

Pollen faced honey bee on cosmos, as she is a worker honey bee. Magnificent wings.

Collecting pollen all over its body, under the abdomen and face. Actually any hairs that’s on the body.
Below you can see those 2 pairs of wings, at a different angel. Very still on the flowers.

Flying from one yellow cosmos flower to the other with a face full. Notice only one hind leg has pollen.

The worker honey bee will eventually wipe the pollen from its body and front legs to the back legs that will collect and hold the pollen in the basket.

Plant flowers and save the bees.
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