Bee Species In Ecuador, found in our home gardens. Amazing how many species are foraging on flowers and some small and larger.
Bee Species In Ecuador.
Taking note of the flowers and what’s gathering pollen or nectar, it will amaze you. Many insects and bee species working the few flowers we have in the garden. Plenty photo’s were taken and discovered new species that we have never noted before as well as their breeding habits.

A list of Bee Species In Ecuador, found in Vilcabamba, Loja.
Honey bee. (as we have beehives)

Carpenter Bees.
Black Carpenter Bee. On Sun flowers.

Bumble Bees
Carder Bumble Bee. On cosmos flowers.

Carder Buff Bumblebee.

A hairy footed Plumipe bee (subfamily of a bumblebee)

Mason Bees.

Sweat Bee (Halictid species)
Metallic green Sweat Bee. (tiny)

Note the size compare to a honey bee. (below)

Another Sweat Bee foraging on poppy flowers.

Leaf Cutter Bees.

A Small Patchwork Leaf Cutter Bee.

Green Orchard Bee.

The list of species is still growing now the rain has fallen and sun shines.
Hopefully all the solitary and native bees will come out and forage on the pollen filled flowers blooming.
Bee Species In Ecuador
I just came across your photos about the various bees you’ve found in Vilcabamba. I was doing a search to learn what kind of bees are found in Ecuador – not expecting to find one specifically in Vilca! Wow, that was encouraging.
I’d like to meet you when I’m in town, probably in a couple of weeks. I’m moving there while I supervise the construction and design of a ranch for a European Client. The ranch is located about 10 to 15 minutes from Vilca.
My name is Dennis and you can reach me via WhatsApp at 423-240-3036 (USA number).
Thanks for sharing your photos and I look forward to meeting you soon.
PS – I do plan on placing 10 to 12 Langstroth hives around the ranch, possibly more, along with lots of flowers, fruit and vegetables.
Hi, Dennis
Yes i was very surprised to see so many species of bees especially in Ecuador. We used to live in Vilcabamba but have since moved to a small holding about 40 minutes outside. But would suggest that if you want to bring bees here that you must first look into the area as we found that there is not much food for them. Not much wild flowers on the farms either. Unless you plant a lot of flowers for them. We dont go out regular at all. Good luck on your venture.