The Bee Fly, mimics a bee for protection while foraging for nectar and pollinating. Other orchids mimic bees to attract them learn more.

The Bee Fly (a “Bombylius major”)
Non stinging insects such as the bee flies, hover flies and robber flies.
They mimic the bees behavior and in this way they gain protection, as they almost look like bees and copy the bees behavior.

This fly copies the bees by obtaining nectar and pollinating the flowers as well.

Note its long legs and proboscis that is inserted into the flower for the nectar.

The fly has a hairy body and is similar to color of the bees.

The bees colors (yellow and black) show insects that they are willing to protect themselves,

In this way the fly gains its protection.

I wondered what this insect was, so when I was looking for a species of a bee I found this information.
Apparently bees are also mimicked by plants such as the bee orchid, which imitates both the appearance and the pheromone of a female bee, male bees attempt to mate with the furry lip of the flower, thus pollinating it.
Bee Orchard Flowers.
This perennial herbaceous plant of the family orchidaceae is known in Europe as the bee orchid flower. (Ophrys apifera,) As well as a few others.
The plant flower is very deceptive in looking like a bee, more like a bumble bee and mimics a bee very well.

A lot of insects forage on flowers.
Peruse the site for many photos and information on some bee species found in south america Ecuador and south africa. Learn about many species life cycle and obtain some honey remedies and recipes.
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