Pollination, we show how and what to do before you enter into another way to use your bees, that is pollination. Preparing the hives and renting out.
Another means of making money from your bees is to rent the hives out for pollination during the spring season.To pollinate orchards of fruit trees in bloom, as there’s plenty blossoms on
the trees at this time of the year. For which you would get paid per hive, per pollination site, or farm.
Collecting Bee Hives
Hives are collected from other sites where they were placed to forage honey and brought into one field to be ready for inspection.
Its so much easier to have them all in one field to load the bee boxes on the large truck, saves time.
Bee hives placed for inspection and for them to get strapped and conditioned for for the travel to pollination.
Inspecting Hives and Swarms
You would make sure they strong healthy swarms. Mostly that they have at least one super on top of the brood box that they can fill with honey, while pollinating blossoms and flowers.
The Beekeeper checking the hives.
Marked with your registered number and name and make sure that they are strapped, so that they don’t get broken up from the vibration of the truck while traveling.
Supplement Feeding
Feeding bees with bee feeders to prepare them to be strong swarms, as they may have had a dry season before spring and need to get their strength.
Use a table away from the hives, to allow different swarms to come to various feeders for food.
The swarms are not used to each other and would normally fight and sting each other.
They can get familiar with each other if they are near to each hive for a period of time.
Feeding the bees with bee booster food. You can use a mix of sugar and water but it’s not recommended to use for to long a period.
The sugar water mix is normal white sugar. Mix with two parts sugar to one part water.
Having water nearby is also a good idea to make sure they are well hydrated.
Moving Bees
Moving bees in the evening or when its colder weather, is preferable.
The bees are all inside their hives at night and there wouldn’t be a problem with them flying around or being out in the fields.
That’s when they are moved.
These are Beehives in the fields in the evening that are ready to get moved to the pollination site.
Loaded empty bee hive boxes on a small truck.
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