Sweat Bees Foraging Poppy Flowers. Poppies are annuals that provide pollen to many types of bees. Bees where collecting pollen on poppies.

Taking a walk through the garden to identify some of the passion fruit flowers and take pictures of them. I found these beautiful orange poppies full of tiny sweat bees. They were all over these flowers.

There are creamy and orange poppies but they were only on the orange poppies.

These tiny bees can easily be mistaken for a bug. But in the area we live there are a few types of sweat bees. Then with my camera it was seen that these are indeed bees.
Many at a time on varies poppy flowers.

These bees have plenty pollen on its hind legs. The same color of the poppy.
Pretty Sweat Bees Foraging on poppy Flowers.

Never have we seen so many sweat bees at a time foraging for pollen and nectar.

A beautiful tiny bee on the poppy stamens.

A tiny sweat bee on the petal of the flower and you can clearly see its features and pollen collected on the hind legs.

Very busy little bees, they were flying from flowers to flower.

They were almost watching me taking photos. Below is one bee paused on the poppy petal.

Another tiny bee about to fly off, full of pollen clinging to the petal and showing its tiny but strong wings. Feelers protruding and Head with eyes on the sides.

An amazing site to see so many bees flying around. Normally there are honey bees, but its like they all had there favorite flowers to forage from. The honey bees were on the cosmos flowers and these on the poppies.
This tiny bee hanging her legs in flight and in flight to the poppy.

Popular poppies this overcast day, with plenty of sweat bees foraging.

Bees hiding in the flowers and hardly seen in plain sight, but can be mistaken for bugs or other insects.

In South America Ecuador, Loja area on the “Finca” Farm in the Chirusco valley we have a few species of bees. You can click this link to view these species.
More posts about the different color sweat bees and their life style.
A video of these tiny dark sweat bees foraging on poppy flowers