Thirsty Honey Bees, and photos of honey bees drinking water on a very hot day, note their long proboscis as they get cool and satisfy their thirst.

Thirsty Honey Bees Drinking Water.
We should always place water out for bees and birds and other insects. The best is to place in a shallow dish with stones or marbles in the water. As when they come to drink a lot will fall in the water and drown.
To place stones in will give them a place to swim to and fly off. This water was in our water bowl for a fountain.
Luckily we were always there to rescue bees and what I did was place in a floating stick, in case the bees got into trouble and nearly drown.

Many bees came on very hot days for water, they never bothered the animals or humans.
They can also swim their way out and never did find a drowned bee. We only found dead bees in a container that is impossible to climb out of.

A bud of a flower floating in the water. Maybe a rescue float for a swimming or drowning bee. With summer and extremely hot days you always need to supply sage water drinking places for bees as well as larger water drinking spots for animals.

We must look after the bees as they are so very important to humans and nature, without bees we would not survive.
They are the true pollinators of the earth.

The honey bees and other species of bees and many insects obtain water from any puddle or places that water drips.

On the edge of a trickling stream or just amongst the small leaves. Bees forage for water.

They collect and drink water from drops on leaves and grass early in the morning. The dew drops is what they forage on.

Please save the bees.
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