Busy Leafcutter Bee with Pollen “Megachile Ericetorum” . A video slide of this busy leafcutter bee, collecting pollen as it buzzes from flower to flower.

This very busy Dark Leafcutter bee with Pollen on lower yellow abdomen of her body.
The bee was found foraging for nectar and pollen was collecting on the lower abdomen. Always turning its abdomen up in the air. They transport the pollen that collects on the tiny hairs on their abdomen and then it collects in the pollen baskets on their hind legs.

The cosmos flowers have been a favorite for many bees discovered in Southern Ecuador. Always seeking food for their breeding and nesting seasons. These leafcutter bees do not live in hives, but build nests of leaves.

Amazing beautiful bee, that has a much thicker abdomen than a normal honey bee.

Below is a video slide of photos taken of this bee foraging on flowers.
Their are different leafcutter bees, see below links.
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