Garden Cosmos and SA Bumblebee Foraging. A sub family of a bumblebee called hairy footed plumipes bee out foraging on the cosmos flowers.

Garden Cosmos and SA Bumblebee Foraging.
These photos were taken after a rainy two weeks, one sunny day. When the cosmos was in full bloom and all up the road. Plenty of bees and other insects and butterflies were foraging on these yellow cosmos flowers for that vital nectar and pollen for their nests.

I am sharing my photo gallery here of this capture of this bumblebee that nests in a wall on an old house.

This bee was always to fast to capture a clear photo, but this time she was captured.
A close up photo of this bumblebee and its yellow and black striped tail with fluffy abdomen and her large greyish compound eyes and furry head.

Notice those large greyish green compound eyes, on the side of her head and the Antennas in the middle. The three smaller eyes are above the feelers. Yes fury body and dark strong wings.

This bumblebee almost has a trunk like snout like an elephant and then her long proboscis seeking the nectar.

A side view of her obtaining some food for her nest and herself. As the bees are all about continuing their life cycle. Since they are able to they go and seek a potential nesting place and start to place food in and lay an egg and seal it of and do this over again.
Collage of photos

A clearer view of her snout that I call it.

A total garden of these tough flowering yellow cosmos flowers on the farm. Planted to give food for the many species of bees found here.

A unusual bumblebee.

Flowers in the back ground.

Close up of her, madam bumblebee. Many more photos as photography is my passion as well as all the bees.

A rear view of her yellow and black stipes on her tail. Hairy hind legs that do not have a pollen basket like a honey bee. That would of stored the pollen.

Time to fly to another flower, busy bumblebee.

On another flower and continues to forage.

On top of the flower, very busy and obtaining a lot of nectar we hope.

More about these South American bumblebees in these posts. Showing a video how she digs a hole in a wall to make her nest. To continue her life cycle.
- South American Bumblebee Nesting
- Yellow Striped Tailed Bumblebee
- The Bumblebee
- The Black Bumblebee on sunflowers
- A bumblebees life cycle learn how they nest. (so different to any bee)
- Bumblebees forage on monk orchid flowers
In south america Ecuador we have found a few different species of bumblebees and many other species of bees as well. View this site and learn more about how they live to save them.
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