Buff Tailed Bumblebees on cosmos. The bumblebees are known to sleep in flowers on petals, then this one was caught clinging to the petals.

Buff Tailed Bumblebees on cosmos.
One evening taking a walk in the garden and the large row of cosmos flowers produced many foragers. During the day there were bees and butterflies and insects, all having the time of their lives on these flowers.
Napping Bumblebee
But there was this bumblebee being very still on the flower, so I thought that it must have been caught by a spider. After poking it it moved to under the flowers petals. Then came to the top of the yellow cosmos petals again. It was obviously sleeping on the flower petals. Bumblebees are known for that. So the bee clung to the petals and started to forage again. This buff tailed bumblebee is another species that is on the farm in Ecuador, Chirusco valley near Vilcabumba.

Evening photo of this bumblebee clinging on the cosmos flowers. Look at those very hairy hind legs.
Below you can notice those large black eyes on her head and the hairy body of a bumblebee.

The bee clung to the flower and started foraging again and you can see the yellow tail and some stripes on it.

Another view of this bumblebee.

A closer look as it gets darker of this bumblebee, it has extremely hairy legs.

Hanging onto the flower after I disturbed it. Note those antenna’s and large compound eyes.

A better view of her face that shows both those huge black eyes. Watching me as I disturbed her nap.

In Southern Ecuador where we live there are a few species of bumblebees, still to properly Identify the species. Therefore any comment or help would be appreciated.
Other Bumblebee species found here.
- A Bumblebees life cycle
- Bumblebees forage on Monk Orchid Flowers
- Garden Cosmos and SA Bumblebee foraging
- South American Bumblebee Nesting (making a hole in the wall)
- A Busy Pollinating Black Bumblebee
- Yellow Striped Tailed Bumblebee
- Ecuador’s Social Bumblebee at work
- Black Bumblebee on Sunflowers (bumblebees habits and life cycle described here)
- The Bumblebee
So many photos also to see in the picture gallery.
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