New Bee Swarm South Africa and photos, a description of them as well as them entering bee hives and honey bees all coming together.

This swarm came to boxes at our house, first a few scouts (bees) come to inspect for safe place to fetch the swarm and queen bees. Then after awhile the swarm arrives. Then settles on the boxes and goes into the box chosen. It’s something to see. (couple of thousand).
Bees checking boxes.

Scout Bees. It takes a while for the swarm to come to the chosen boxes or hives, sometimes a day or two. but mostly that same day.

Swarm arrived. They only all arrive with the queen then she settles in a box chosen by her.
The swarm eventually filters into the correct box that the queen bee is in.

Swarm Arrived
Bees Filtering into the box that the queen chose, there thousands of them so it takes a while to all follow each other in.

A wonderful sight of about 1000 honey bees coming together. All clumped together, then they will enter the chosen beehive that the queen is in.
Quickly entering and start their busy lives of building combs and gathering pollen and nectar for the new brood that will be eventually laid in the combs.
View more about the swarms arriving below as well as the video.
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