A Carpenter Bees Deformed Wing. A few Carpenter Bees hatching found on floor, have had deformed wings, lets learn why and help.

What causes deformed wing virus?
A deformed wing virus (DWV) is a world wide disease. Which is mostly spread by large population of mosquitos or varroa mites. Although they say that the varroa mites are the causes of a whole host of viral diseases.
A Carpenter Bees Deformed Wing.

Varroa mites carry this disease in them and will infect other bees within the colony. That is why there has been a few carpenter bees hatching with deformed wings. Then being unable to fly or feed just die.

The virus can affect all stages of development of the bee. The severity of the virus is determined on the stage that this virus affects the bee. The bee affected at adult hood are asymptomatic and would appear normal. But the pupae affected at first stages of white develop to adulthood but are malformed or have a damaged or wings. Then die.

If this disease gets into a honey bee colony it can effect the total hive. Even if the beehives get robber bees in their hives, then the virus spreads this way.
In honey bees you may easily see symptoms such as twisted and shriveled wings. Have bloated abdomens and body size is smaller and they are discolored. This mite can also cause other diseases such as the acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV).
The most effect way to treat for (DWV) is by controlling the varroa mite populations within colonies.

A guide to treating this naturally is to make a mix of food grade mineral oil in a propane fogger. This coats the bees and the mites causing the bees to groom each other and then the mites fall off. Or use powdered sugar that will have the same affect.
How do you save a dying carpenter bee?
Well first of all you don’t know if she is at the end stage of her life or just tired. Therefore you can do a simple 1 portion of water to 2 portions of sugar mix. Mixed well and feed it to the bee. If it eats it and then flies of she will be ok.

Can bees heal their wings?
No bees can not grow back their wings. Unlike a lizard that can grow back their tails. If the bee like the carpenter bee on this post has a deformed wing or now wing. Then it can not grow it back as they are deformed from this varroa mite.

This poor carpenter bee had just been hatched and found on the floor. There is an open shower bathroom on it has beams made of old tree branches. This is not the first time we have found a deformed carpenter bee fallen from the nest in the wood.

I am afraid this bee will not survive for long as it can not go forage for food. Poor bee.
A great pollinator of large flowers.
Learn more about carpenter bees below.
- A Carpenter Bees Life Cycle
- Carpenter Bee Pollinates Passion Fruit Flower
- See how the Carpenter Bee Building a Nest
- The Carpenter Bee and Sunflowers
Save the bees all of them.
Can you please provide me with the source for this article ?
This post was what i saw and photographed.
Then i researched why this happened.